
Plotus:向你請教有關Adobe Premiere Encore CS3事宜‧

敝人今年11月從美國買一套Matrox RTX-2 (含Adobe Premiere Pro CS3/Encore CS3),回到台灣後立即改換電腦(完成按照要求的最好系統組成),三年前我已曾經買過Matrox RT-100 (含Premiere Pro 1.0 及 Encore DVD),發現製成的DVD品質不錯,所以再買RTX-2製作藍光光碟:今年三月份我從美國買回Sony BWU-100A藍光燒錄機及三星Sasung BD-P1000藍光播放機回台灣,並且用Premiere Pro 2.0編輯影片,

影片編輯完成壓縮成1920x1080的.mpg檔,並用Sony BWU-100A燒錄機附的CyberLink BD Solution PowerProducer 3.0,藍光光碟燒錄完成後,可以用在三星藍光播放機播放,也可以在電腦播放。但這次用Premiere Pro CS3編輯後壓縮成1920x1080 Blu-ray m2v檔案(只能壓縮成影音分離的.m2v檔/之前Premiere Pro 2.0 是壓縮成影音合一的.mpg檔).

然後用 Encore CS3 製作選單(by Photoshop CS3),並燒錄成藍光光碟,但燒錄完成後卻發現無法在三星藍光光碟機播放(光碟機讀取後會立即Open,然後出現警語 This Disc Can Not Be Played),原先以為是製作過程中有錯誤,但經過幾次重新燒錄後,仍然無法在三星BD-P1000藍光播放機播放,不過卻可以在電腦播放,此問題我曾Email請教Adobe Premiere CS3部門,但至今無回音...




不過我替你問了Adobe 台灣代理商,他們問了Adobe 台灣總公司,得到以下答案供你參考:

似乎問題是出在Samsung BD-P1000身上。據說Samsung BD-P1000 Samsung BD-P1000說明書上有說明這台機器並不保證可以相容所有的Blue-Ray Disk以及Menu格式,因此可能是這台機器Firmware的問題,請客戶更新到1.2或是更新的版本來試試看。

目前Adobe有試過用Sony BWU-100A燒錄完成後在PS3上播放沒有問題。

Encore輸出的選擇 Output options
Encore offers three formats for outputting Blu-ray projects,available from the Build panel:
※Blu-ray Disc: Burns a Blu-ray disc to play on a Blu-ray player,computer,or Sony PlayStation 3.
※Blu-ray Folder: Builds a Blu-ray directory structure on your hard drive for playback on a computer equipped with Blu-ray software.
※Blu-ray Image: Builds a Blu-ray image on your hard drive. The image is typically used by a third-party mastering application.

Encore已知相容性問題Known issues
※On the Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-ray player, the video is always shortened by two frames.
※The Philips BDP9000 player cannot play Blu-ray discs authored by Encore.
※When your project settings are set to Blu-ray, and you create a new After Effects composition using File > Dynamic Link > New After Effects composition, the resulting composition is in in standard definition.
※When you preview a Blu-ray motion menu, the preview shows a static menu. However, the menu includes motion elements when burned to disc.
※On Mac OS, when you insert a blank Blu-ray disc in the drive, a message is displayed stating "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." You must click Ignore on the message dialog to use the media in Encore.
※Blu-ray projects display DVD Transcode Settings/Status columns in the Project panel. These settings can be ignored since they are irrelevant when transcoding for Blu-ray.
※The default destination folder in the Build panel for a Blu-ray project displays the last project opened. You can change this by clicking Browse and then navigating to the desired location.
※Imported H.264 files exhibit stuttered playback during preview. This is a limitation of the playback engine only; the files will play back normally when burned to disc.
※When previewing a Blu-ray project, the zoom percentage in the Preview panel is relative to standard definition footage. For example, for an NTSC Blu-ray project, a Preview panel set at 100% will display 720 x 480 pixels, instead of the Blu-ray frame size (see TV standards for supported frame sizes).
※On Mac OS, the Transcode status indicator in the Preview window displays incorrect information. The information displayed reflects the asset as if it was used in DVD authoring mode.
※When you select an asset in the Project panel and choose File > Transcode Now, the bitrate limit specified in the Project Settings in not used.
※When you build a Blu-ray project that contains a menu with a button that is partially offscreen, you will receive an "Invalid Format Error Code 14" message.
※If you have a menu button set to auto-activate, then the button will activate when the menu is displayed, regardless of whether the button is the default button or not.
※Encore sets AIFF files to "Don't Transcode," which results in an"Invalid Format Error Code 14" message when you build the project. To avoid this, set your AIFF files to any other transcode setting before building the disc.





Plotus:今天下午拿2張藍光光碟(一張用Premiere Pro 2.0編輯/壓縮成.mpg檔/用Sony BWU-100A燒錄機附加之訊連科技CyberLink BD Solution軟體燒錄之藍光光碟‧另一張則為Premiere Pro CS3編輯,用Matrox RTX-2壓縮成.m2v檔,用Encore CS3製作選單燒錄之藍光光碟)到Sony公司,用PS3藍光遊戲機測試,首先播放Encore CS3燒錄之影片,結果可以用選單點選播放‧接著再測試用訊連科技軟體燒錄之藍光影片,則無法播放,並出現Can Not Be Played字樣;回家後,我再用三星BD-P1000藍光播放機播放訊連科技軟體燒錄之藍光影片,結果還是可以播放,現在發現各廠牌之藍光燒錄機及藍光播放機,對編輯壓縮之檔名(格式)似乎都有問題,真不知該如何解決?或許目前藍光機能及光碟尚未成熟,才會產生這些問題,不知Sony公司是否做過測試? 如果老師有新的發現,煩請告知‧謝謝!


首先謝謝你告知我,測試結果,如果有新的關於藍光發現,我會Mail 給你,因為多方交換意見會更快獲得新知。



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    曾經是明祥傳播的小吳 (小吳老師) 09491512

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