。TriCaster 導播機 模擬考題 (無解答)
。TriCaster 導播機 原廠專業認證考古題 (無解答)
01.Which models support 4K sessions?
□ TriCaster TC1
□ TriCaster 2 Elite
□ TriCaster 410 Plus
□ TriCaster Mini 4K
□ TriCaster 1 Pro
02.Which SDI connectors on the TriCaster 410 Plus output MIX 1?
02.TriCaster 410 Plus輸出MIX 1的SDI接口有哪些?
○ SDI #1 and #2
○ SDI #3 and #4
○ SDI #1 and #3
○ SDI #2 and #4
03.How many M/E's are found on the TriCaster 1 Pro?
03.TriCaster 1 Pro有多少個M/E?
○ 2
○ 4
○ 6
○ 8
04.Drag and drop the systems on the left side to match up with how many external sources it can accept.
TriCaster Mini 4K TriCaster TC1 TriCaster 2 Elite TriCaster 410 Plus |
8 External Sources all NDI 16 External Soruces including 4 SDI 32 External Sources including 8 SDI 8 External Sources including 4 SDI |
05.Which control panels use an Ethernet connection for operation?
□ Mini Control Surface
□ 2 Stripe Control Surface
□ 4 Stripe Control Surface
□ TC1 Small Panel Control Surface
06.Where on the Home screen can you find out the version number of the TriCaster software?
○ Add-Ons > Product Version
○ Help > About
○ Help > Product Version
○ Shutdown > Administration Tools
07.How do you open or collapse the tools (DDR, Audio Mixer, Buffers) at the bottom of the Live Desktop?
07.如何展開或收合操作介面的按鈕視窗(DDR、Audio Mixer、Buffers)?
○ Right click on bar and choose open.
○ 在欄位上,按滑鼠右鍵,並選擇打開。
○ Hold down Shift and press the 'T' key.
○ 按住 Shift 並按“T”鍵。
○ Left click on on of the tab names.
○ 在頁籤的名稱上,按滑鼠左鍵。
○ Select the 'Show Controls' option in the menu.
○ 選擇菜單中“Show Controls”選項。
08.What two functions below are available in the 'Manage' button on the session screen?
□ Access media located in the session
□ 訪問位於專案中的媒體檔案
□ Create new Titles
□ 創建新標題字幕
□ Configure DataLink keys
□ 設定 DataLink keys
□ Restore Sessions
□ 還原Sessions專案
09.What are the names of the two rows on the main switcher bus?
□ Output
□ Program
□ Preview
□ Broadcast
10.Which transitions in the 9 way palette cannot be changed?
□ Cut
□ Edge Wipe
□ Fade
□ Circle Wipe
11.How many Buffer slots are available on any TriCaster system?
11.任何一部 TriCaster 導播機上有多少個Buffer緩衝區槽可用?
○ 5
○ 10
○ 15
○ 16
12.What are the two functions that M/E stands for?
□ Enable
□ Mix
□ Matte
□ Engage
□ Manage
□ Effect
13.Virtual Sets are loaded into what switcher resource?
13.要加載Virtual Sets(後來更名 Live Sets)到切換台的項目中才能使用?
○ M/E
14.What external timecode clock can TriCaster read from?
14.TriCaster 可以從什麼外部時鐘讀取時間碼?
○ Wordclock
15.How do you open the Output Configuration panel?
15.如何打開 Output Configuration 輸出配置面板?
○ Press the Shift + O keys.
○ 按下 Shift + O 鍵。
○ Select 'Output Configuration' from the Options menu.
○ 從選項菜單中選擇“Output Configuration”。
○ Click on the gear in the Program monitor.
○ 滑鼠左鍵單擊Program視窗中的齒輪。
○ Right click on the Preview monitor and choose 'Configure'.
○ 滑鼠右鍵單擊Preview視窗並選擇“Configure”。
16.What video channel is the return for Skype TX callers?
16.Skype TX 回傳的視頻內容是來自哪一個頻道?
○ MIX 1
○ MIX 2
○ MIX 3
○ MIX 4
17.What NDI-KVM options are available in the drop down?
□ Monitor Only
□ Monitor Share
□ Full Control
□ View Only
18.How many triggers can be assigned to a macro?
○ 1
○ 2
○ 3
○ 4
19.When Fade to Black is active, which actions described below are true?
19.當 Fade to Black 作用時,下面描述的哪些動作是正確的?
□ Outputs will show black.
□ 輸出將顯示黑畫面。
□ All DSKs are turned off.
□ 所有 DSK 均關閉。
□ All audio outputs are silenced.
□ 所有音頻輸出靜音。
□ Recording is stopped.
□ 錄製停止。
20.The NDI Matrix Router is found on which systems?
20.NDI Matrix Router存在於哪些系統中?
□ TriCaster Mini 4K
□ TriCaster 410 Plus
□ TriCaster TC1
□ TriCaster 2 Elite
□ TriCaster 1 Pro
21.Control surfaces that use an Ethernet connector need to be 'selected' using the Control Surfaces add-on before they will function in the TriCaster?
21.配有乙太網連接阜的控盤,必須在 Add-Ons“選擇”才能在 TriCaster 中運行嗎?
○ True ○ 是
○ False ○ 否
22.What kind of content can you build in Animation Store Creator?
22.Animation Store Creator 可以製作什麼樣的內容?
□ Transitions □ 轉場
□ Animated Titles □ 動態字幕
□ Borders & Edges □ 邊框和邊緣
□ Animated Buffers □ 動畫緩衝區
23.A license for Virtual Set Editor must be purchased in order to use any aspect of the software?
23.必須購買 Virtual Set Editor 的授權才能使用該軟件的任何功能?
○ True, you can't run the software without a license code.
○ 是,沒有授權代碼就無法運行該軟體。
○ False, you can do everything except exporting.
○ 否,除了匯出你什麼都能做。
24.What software is used to create LiveGraphics content?
24.LiveGraphics 內容是用什麼軟體製作的?
○ Adobe Premiere
○ Adobe Dreamweaver
○ Adobe After Effects
○ Adobe Character Animator
25.What are the two types of audio interfaces that Premium Access will allow you to use?
25. Premium Access 允許您使用的兩種音頻接口是什麼?
□ WDM - Windows Driver Model
□ ASIO - Audio Stream Input/Output
□ AHI - Audio Hardware Interface
□ Cor Audio
26.Which document formats can LiveStory Creator import?
26.LiveStory Creator 可以導入哪些文件格式?
27.On which monitors can you access the App Desktop?
○ On the primary UI only.
○ 只能在主顯示螢幕 UI 上。
○ On any monitor connected to the system.
○ 在連接到系統的任何顯示螢幕上。
○ On any of the full screen multiview displays.
○ 在任何全屏 Multiview 顯示螢幕上。
○ It can only be accessed on the third monitor connected.
○ 只能在連接的第三台顯示螢幕上執行。
28.When using the 'Assign Input' option found in widget control on the App Desktop, what input does it start assigning from?
28.在使用 App Desktop 控制項目 '輸入分配' 選項時,是從哪一個 Input 開始分配?
○ Input 1
○ Input 9
○ Input 17
○ Input 22
29.Any Windows application installed on the TriCaster 2 Elite will appear as an button in the App Desktop toolbar?
29.任何安裝在 TriCaster 2 Elite 上的 Windows 應用程序APP都會在應用程序桌面工具欄中顯示為一個按鈕?
○ True ○ 是
○ False ○ 否
30.Not including Skype TX, does the Talkback feature in the audio mixer send audio to all callers in the meeting software or specific callers?
30.不包括Skype TX,混音器中的【Talkback 對講功能】是將音頻發送給會議軟體,所有呼叫者還是特定呼叫者?
○ Talkback is to all callers in the meeting application.
○ 對講是針對會議應用程序中的所有來電者。
○ Talkback can be selective to calle rs you click on.
○ 對講可以選擇性地顯示給您點擊的來電者。
○ Talkback works with the users assigned on the same color group.
○ Talkback 適用於分配到相同顏色組的用戶。
○ Talkback works with all callers that are currently silent.
○ 對講適用於所有當前保持沉默的來電者。
31.What new meeting applications can Live Call Connect support?
31.Live Call Connect支援哪些新的會議軟體?
□ Apple FaceTime
□ Webex
□ What's App
□ Facebook Messenger
32.How many buttons maximum can displayed in a LivePanel (in a multiview)?
32.一個 LivePanel(Multiview)最多可以顯示多少個按鈕?
○ 12
○ 16
○ 20
○ 24
33.What characters are used designate a variable in a macro?
33.在 Macro 中使用什麼字符指定變量?
○ Square brackets, [variable]
○ 方括號,[變量]
○ Parenthesis, (variable)
○ 括號,(可變)
○ Curly Brackets, {variable}
○ 花括號,{變量}
○ Backslash, \variable\
○ 反斜杠,\變量\
34.If you want to perform a math function in a macro, what parameter is used so that the statement will be evaluated as a command?
34.如果要在 Macro 中執行數學函數,使用什麼參數才能將語句作為命令求值?
○ IIF()
○ EXP()
○ MATH()
○ LEN()
35.Where does one find the NDI alpha channel output setting?
35.在哪裡可以找到NDI alpha通道輸出設置?
○ Input sources by clicking the 'Include Alpha' checkbox.
○ 通過單擊“包括 Alpha”複選框來輸入源。
○ MIX output panel by selecting 'Alpha' in the format setting dropdown.
○ 通過在格式設置下拉列表中選擇“Alpha”來混合輸出面板。
○ Selecting 'Output Alpha' from the Option menu.
○ 從選項菜單中選擇“輸出 Alpha”。
○ In the Genlock settings panel, select the 'Enable Alpha' checkbox.
○ 在 Genlock 設置面板中,選中“啟用 Alpha”複選框。
36.What do the 'Banks' allow you to access?
36.“Banks”允許您執行什麼 ?....
○ Additional playlists in the DDR.
○ 增加其他播放列表至DDR 中。
○ M/E 'emem' configurations.
○ 設定配置 M/E 'emem' 。
○ Macros on the system.
○ 執行系統上的Macros。
○ Sources in the selection area.
○ 選擇該區域中的影音來源。
37.How many bank buttons are on the 2S control surface?
○ One ○ 1
○ Two ○ 2
○ Three ○ 3
○ Four ○ 4
38.When the user presses a button on the control surface, it flashes but doesn't perform its function. What operation has likely been assigned to this button?
38.當使用者按下控盤上的按鈕時,它閃爍但不執行其功能。此按鈕 可能已經被分配將什麼操作了呢?.
○ The button has been locked.
○ 按鈕已被鎖定。
○ The button is configured to run a macro.
○ 該按鈕配置為運行宏。
○ The button needs to be held for two full seconds to operate.
○ 按鍵需要長按兩秒才能操作。
○ The button is in test mode.
○ 按鈕處於測試模式。
39.What functions can the 3D joystick on a 2S control surface be used with?
□ PTZ Cameras
□ PTZ 攝影機
□ DSK position and rotation
□ DSK 位移 和 旋轉
□ Shuttle media in a DDR
□ 在 DDR 中進行影片飛梭邊看邊找
□ LiveSet virtual camera
□ LiveSet 虛擬攝影機
40.What are the two ways you can recall a macro on the 2S or 4S control surface?
□ Hold down the 'Macro' button, then press the lit button on the control surface assigned to the macro.
□ 按住“Macro”按鈕,然後按下分配給Macro的控盤上亮起的按鈕。
□ Press any button twice quickly to run the associated macro.
□ 快速按任意按鈕兩次以運行關聯的Macro。
□ Type the three digit code on the keypad to run the macro with the same trigger code.
□ 在控盤上鍵入三位數代碼以使用相同的觸發代碼運行Macro。
□ Press the macro button twice to configure the lower stripe into macro playback mode, then press the matching button for the macro.
□ 按兩下Macro按鈕將下方列設置為Macro播放模式,然後按下Macro對應的按鈕。
41.The users is trying to start recording from the 2S control surface, but the button doesn't appear to be working. What step do they need to perform?
41.使用者試圖從2S 控盤控制開始錄製,但按鈕似乎不起作用。 他們需要執行什麼步驟?..
○ They need to hold the button for two full seconds.
○ 他們需要按住按鈕整整兩秒鐘。
○ Make sure the NumLock button is disabled (not lit).
○ 確保 NumLock 按鈕被禁用(未亮起)。
○ Hold down the Control key when they press the record button.
○ 按住 Control 鍵時,再按下錄製按鈕。
○ The record function needs to be assigned to a macro.
○ 錄製功能需要分配給Macro。
42.What do the last six digits of the TriCaster version number represent?
42.TriCaster 版本號的後六位代表什麼?...
○ A random chosen number is used.
○ 使用隨機選擇的數字。
○ They form a date, in Day/Year/Month order.
○ 他們形成一個日期,按日/年/月的順序。
○ They form a date, in Year/Month/Day order.
○ 它們組成一個日期,按年/月/日的順序排列。
○ They are the time of day that the build was created.
○ 它們是創建構建的時間。
01.In the audio mixer, the Audio Delay function is used when?
○ Routing audio through an M/E.
○ 路由聲音傳送到M/E。
○ Audio and video are off-sync, and the audio is arriving late.
○ 音頻和視頻是不同步時,並且音頻是延遲的。
○ Audio and video are off-sync, and the video is arriving late.
○ 音頻和視頻是不同步時,並且視頻是延遲的。
○ For any audio that is going to be used with Skype.
○ Skype上使用的任何音頻。
02.On the TriCaster, each Media Player has how many preset playlist (MEM slot) available to it?
02.在 TriCaster上,每個媒體播放器有多少預置播放列表(MEM播放列表)?..
○ 8
○ 12
○ 16
○ 4
03.What kind(s) of video formats can be connected to a TriCaster 410 Plus or TC1 system?
□ 3G-SDI (Level B)
□ 3G-SDI (Level A)
□ Composite
04.What document format is used by LiveStory Creator?
○ .docx
○ .pdf
○ .rtf
○ .txt
05.On the TriCaster TC1, what is the maximum number of inputs layers supported by the M/Es?
05.在 TriCaster TC1 中,M/E 支援的最大輸入層數是多少?....
○ 1
○ 2
○ 3
○ 4
06.What are the pre-built interfaces found in LivePanel?
□ Audio Mixer
□ DataLink
□ Media Player
□ Switcher
□ Recording Control
□ Input Setup
07.With the Premium Access 'non-standard aspect ratio' feature, you can have both widescreen (16x9) and vertical (9x16) monitors displayed at the same time on the multiview monitor?
07.使用Premium Access"非標準寬高比例"功能,您可以同時擁有橫式(16x9)和 直式(9x16)顯示監看,同時也可以在Multiview顯示監看? .
○ TRUE ○ 是
○ FALSE ○ 否
08.How do you change a multiview monitor location to display a DDR source instead of an Input?
08.如何更改Multiview顯示監看位置以顯示 DDR 來源,而不是輸入?....
○ Double-click the monitor and a list will appear.
○ 雙擊顯示器,就會出現一個列表。
○ Choose Configure Monitor from the Options menu.
○ 從"Options"菜單中選擇"配置監視器"。
○ Click the gear icon on the monitor. Change the source in the window that appears.
○ 點擊顯示器上的齒輪圖標。 更改顯示的窗口中的來源代碼。
○ Right click on the monitor, choose the source from the list.
○ 右鍵單擊顯示器,從列表中選擇來源。
01.What are the pre-built interfaces found in LivePanel?
Recording Control
Media Player
Input Setup
Audio Mixer
02.Instant replay is possible using which file recording type?
03.A live production requires a bug be placed in the upper-right corner of the Program output on top of all other video layers. On the TriCaster TC1 with a default session, to ensure the bug is above all other video layers, the operator should place it?
In the M/E 4 overlay bus.
In DSK 1.
In DSK 4.
On Program output.